Friday, March 18, 2005


went to school early today. to do our IDEAS business proposal. or shld i say ish chiong proposal cos we onlie started today morningg! me n isaac was like at library from 9am - 3pm. cha bu duo 6hrs lidatt. cos calida went for her jap at 1pm n cleon went for gems. N that jim sick. dorts lehh! went for IOCHEM lesson after that and was late too.

was disscussing GM thingy in club for quite a long timee. arghh i was so luan. it was ever changing. when can we come to a decision? haais. i also dunno what to do. zhuo ren zhen nan! sometimes even realise same pple not same fate. hmm dun wish to talk abt the appreciation dineer thingy that make me dulann! i realie dun understand y! haais

having serious short term memory nowadays too. if i do something till halfway please dun tok to me abt other things n guess what? i'll forgot to continue finish that halfway thingyy! haais. n i'll worrie. i'm so fan. say i stress also nort so stress. jus that is it a mus for us to get stress in order to get things done?! arhh i dunno lar.
