Thursday, March 17, 2005


hmm was kinda aching all over due to ytd de match. mayb realie long since i exercise plus sumore i din do stretching before playing.. opps! it's my fault huh.

needa rushh for reports. rwp n ideas currenly imPORTant! dunno who the hell added dis 2modules to DCPee. arrghh it's been a headachee to me siaa! helpp~ tmr supposingly class start at 3pm but still needa go sch as earli as 9am to do IDEAs! i hate it. it eat up my sleeping timee. zzz! haais. having sorethroat too. mayb ate too much heaty things le. but today i even went to buy KFC to eat. opps! like adding oil to fire~ dieees.

jus completed my CPPB report discussion q3. sorrie ky that i do so littlee. haais but i reaile reaie dunno how to do. haais kinda guilty lar. but oso dunno what to do! realie thanks alot for helping to do the others. cos if nort, sure cant complete! realie thanks a millionn. =)


dis GM(game master) ish soona givingg me headacheess!!! streess ahh. tink of name oso stress. streesser ahh! haais. jus wanna tell you guys. pls make an effort to come down for meetingg. inoe tests n quizes arnd the corner. but promise me that afta exams. all of you will come?! hmmm. aniway kinda tired le. sleeping timee
