Sunday, March 06, 2005


hmmm. went sentosaa today wif CLS pple. isaac calida cedric jieying aaron benjamin quek n liew n ray orhh yahh n that cutie little boi johnson. he realie look like a small brother to us siaa. haa

woke up latee today! n reach harbor front mrt station latee too. went to find dem at shopping centree. hmmm. upon reaching sentosaa, saw mani hunks siaa! woww. opps haaa. aniway took the yellow line bus to palawan beachh.

the weather today was nahh. nort good siaa. alternating between sun n rain. luckily arnd 2plus the sun started to blast! lolz. din managed to get my face tanned which is part of my main purposee. i still tot that today we wont get tann cuz it's like raining lar. lolzz

me n jiemei men(sista isaac n calida) went for shower first cuz we having class outing - habing dinner at swensens. was quite punctual for the dinner. hey i ate fish n chips n we ordered a few side orders lorr n icecrms! haaa. kinda buay song wif the waiter attitudee! SUCK! attitude got problem. haaa. hmmm after dinner went shopping. window shpping i shld say. n took a cab home with sistass! hmmm i did got tann quite painful at my shoulders der. it's burnt! haaa.

orh yah. isaac n yanti birthday ish tmr!

happie happie 18th birthday! heee =)
