Tuesday, March 29, 2005


omgg. i'm at homee wanting to do my rwp presentation n i realisee i din save it in my diskette. n it's in my school's M:drive! diee. f**k man! am i suppose to go back school jus to save that file n go home do? diaoo lor..hey luckily zhining jus nice was at the library can send me thru net. pheww! aniway sorry ky for troubling you at first! sorry and thanks all. =)

hmm ytd was my dad's bday! happie birthday! sorry for going home late. cos i realie have something on. that's y stay back in school till 9plus but at least i'm in time to cut cakee. haaa! ytd was boring. went to sch for excel lesson end up cant know da marks! n IOchem test which was difficult lar. can pass anot still a question. haais. den went to queensway re-string racket and buy some stuffs lor.

haais. nowadays alot FO camp thingyy. orhh pls can jus let me concentrate on my studies for jus dis 2weeks n my mind will be back to F.O. lar! haais. headache lehh.
