Wednesday, March 02, 2005


hmmm. reached home earli today. took a cab home from clementi as it's raining after buying my mochi icecrm, cheezels and vitasol! haaa. machiam picnic lidat. reach home, ate my chessels while watch dvd - sharktale. heyy i watch before le. no wonder i doze off during the show. opps! luckily i rmb to press timer off. if nort waste electricity. woke up, ate fried carrot cake that mom bought n went for shower. seated down to study my CPPB cuz i'm realie scared le. haais. got 26/50 for my IOCHEM.. sobb! that one i reali got study, end up lidat.. siann diao!

omgg! again realise i've got funnie bruises - blueblack appearing. nort sure whether i accidentally hit onto soemthing den gott it. haais realie scare. scare that i've got problem! illness~ keep tinking lor.. haais! oh god, please bless me healthy! wish me healthy life!!! n it's realie time i go for a body checkup! OMGg!!!
