Wednesday, March 23, 2005


omgg. i'mm now seriously suffering from

haais. probs start to occur within me le. jus now i was like stomach ache till crazy mann! very diff to explain de. haais. mus be that coffeebean pasta n icemocha caused it! damn it.

aniway today was CLS yr3 farewell party! so fast thy gonna graduate le n soon we'll be yr2 liao! omg it was like so damn fast lor. still rmb those days after O level was like days ago lidat! so fast gonna separate from my class n know more pple again le. dunno will i find back the sistas click again norts! I MISS YOU ALL SISTAS!!!

hmmm realie afraid of upcoming exams. especially MBIO. i sure diee. orh yah got back my CPPB was satisfied!!! haaa. IOCHEM quiz coming next on dis coming monday! jus did my GEMS last quiz today. omgg dunno can make it anot! haaiss.

hmm cant sleep now. mus be that mocha acting up liao. nvm shall surf net bahh. hey dis my bag that i bought mths ago. that crumpler bag that i mentioned. hmmm abit late to show now lar cos abit dirty liao. oPPs!!!

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nice lehh. dis my fav greenny colorr
