Tuesday, March 08, 2005


hmmm. finally have a lessonn at 10am today! cuz gems lessonn was canceled! but darren still went haaa. tink he nvr listen what tcher say worr. btw the previous timee i oso din listen n gong gong went for lesson n found out no lesson. what the *ttoot!

was having emaths test2 today. was tinking that mayb i can get a high mark but haais no hope already. cuuz some of the qns is so damnn difficult! argghh. hopefully i can even get a pass.. haais

thanks lilian for helping us develope one of the aD&D photo. so good of her. but I DUN LOOK GOOD in it! i look fat. my stomach machiam so bigg lidat! aiyah in simple overall. i look realie damn fat! eeek i see le i oso siann. sumore she develope for everyone of the pple inside the photo! ohh goshh! so mani pple is gonna see how fat i am n sumore i'm in da center of the foto. penggs! hatee myself for nort standing straight that partly caused it! But in factual fact. i'm nort slim. n iwan to slim down! realie dis time round i MARK my words.


haais. having gems quiz2 tmr. din realie go n look at the gems notes beforee. argghh everything ish so packed up nowadayss. Exams cuming starting frm 5aprill. i'm so afraidd! haaiss
