Tuesday, March 29, 2005


omgg. i'm at homee wanting to do my rwp presentation n i realisee i din save it in my diskette. n it's in my school's M:drive! diee. f**k man! am i suppose to go back school jus to save that file n go home do? diaoo lor..hey luckily zhining jus nice was at the library can send me thru net. pheww! aniway sorry ky for troubling you at first! sorry and thanks all. =)

hmm ytd was my dad's bday! happie birthday! sorry for going home late. cos i realie have something on. that's y stay back in school till 9plus but at least i'm in time to cut cakee. haaa! ytd was boring. went to sch for excel lesson end up cant know da marks! n IOchem test which was difficult lar. can pass anot still a question. haais. den went to queensway re-string racket and buy some stuffs lor.

haais. nowadays alot FO camp thingyy. orhh pls can jus let me concentrate on my studies for jus dis 2weeks n my mind will be back to F.O. lar! haais. headache lehh.


Sunday, March 27, 2005


heyheyhey! today went out wiff calida nasir n zhining. went shopping till my leg becomee sour! =x haa. met nasir n calida halfway in train. so qiao huh! after meeting zn we headded to MARCHE to eat haoliao! pamper ourselves once in a month? haa. each person arnd 14bucks lor.

den we headed off to buy CALIDA present. sorry for dragging so longg. cos we're realie busy mann. ahahh finally find one day for shopping n tat's today of coss! haaa. went shopping at heeren. din buy anithing cos all nort suit leh. sumore the havianas flips nort here yet! zzz

went off to paragon!!! for what? to buy my crumpler stickerr! green in color sumore.. shall post up here. if able to do so but sure retarded in postingg lar.. lolz walk walk arnd paragon search for DA BAG that calida wanted but nahh. dun hab! but i saw a ROXY cap damn chio at the boardriderss cost 26.90bucks.. the ROXY word ish in green color n da cap ish black color.. omgg fell in love with that cap le. WAIT FOR ME TO BUY YOU!!!


off we go to FAREAST. finally got her zinc sling bag at LEVELONE. so ky ade bernard xy n ws, your bday present for her is the bag le. haaa! slack arnd at YA-KUN.. heyhey ate eggs bread n teh ice! nicee. but expensive larrr... den came ah-heng. n i become extra super extra liao.. 2 coupple n me.. zzz! but nvm heng thy din pang sehh me! haaa.

calida oso bought formal clothes(top n bottom) also at fareast der.. i bought a 19bucks skirt at dis fashion. was tinking why i buy at der? cos thats da cheapest plus it look mai hiam buay pai. betta den the one i bot urgently for AGM de. wahhha! hmmm headed back to HEEREN again to buy her calida's pencil case frm 37degree. hmm. she bought alot of things siaa. it's a shopping spree for her i tinkk! haaa. orhh yah forgot to mention i bought a greendiamond earingg at fareast 77st. ahahh green color againn.. haaa EMERALD!!! lolz. i'm back to da days wearing earinggs. heee =)


Thursday, March 24, 2005


omgg! i've been eating alot nowadayss! alotta junk food!!! soona back to the days where i kept eating n become fat! omgg. cant afford to. mus cut down on food le.

today iwas late in meeting calida n isaac. hmmm isaac was too early lar! met dem at lib L4. den we booked a project room to do the RWP presentation slides. our sistaa isaac was sick.fever out of no reasonn. suddenly sick? ahh for me as usual flu n coughing lor. stomachache ok le lar.

after doing the RWP, we went to FC1 to have our lunch. n went for maths class while isaac went home cos he's realie too sickly le! n i went to buy cheezels tibit n a drink again wif meiyi! omgg. after class went to clubhse slack awhile n dunno why my mouth is itchy again. went to fc5 to share 2pc chicken meal wif cheerenn. i got sorethroat still eat fried de siaa. gone casee! n just now i bought food n drink home to eat again cos mom say din cook dineer.

omgg. omgg i'm realie eating alot! help me. i mus stop mann!

everyone seemed sick mann! zhining same as me, flu sorethroat n coughing. while sistaa isaac fever! haais hope everyone including myself get well soon!!!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005


omgg. i'mm now seriously suffering from

haais. probs start to occur within me le. jus now i was like stomach ache till crazy mann! very diff to explain de. haais. mus be that coffeebean pasta n icemocha caused it! damn it.

aniway today was CLS yr3 farewell party! so fast thy gonna graduate le n soon we'll be yr2 liao! omg it was like so damn fast lor. still rmb those days after O level was like days ago lidat! so fast gonna separate from my class n know more pple again le. dunno will i find back the sistas click again norts! I MISS YOU ALL SISTAS!!!

hmmm realie afraid of upcoming exams. especially MBIO. i sure diee. orh yah got back my CPPB was satisfied!!! haaa. IOCHEM quiz coming next on dis coming monday! jus did my GEMS last quiz today. omgg dunno can make it anot! haaiss.

hmm cant sleep now. mus be that mocha acting up liao. nvm shall surf net bahh. hey dis my bag that i bought mths ago. that crumpler bag that i mentioned. hmmm abit late to show now lar cos abit dirty liao. oPPs!!!

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
nice lehh. dis my fav greenny colorr


Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Heyhey. guess where am i actually blogging dis? in audreyy CMD lab. it's so damn chio filled wif iMAC computers. omggomggomgg! haaa.

nothing's up actually for today. din go for emaths lesson cos got alot of GM thingy to do! omg headachee. tmr got gems test but now i'm still playing lehh! haaa. tmr gems test sure fail de lar.. help mee..

aiyahh currently realie dunno what to blog. will update again!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005


hmmm. woke up 10am today. cos used to waking up early instead or 1-2pm lidat. haa. watch tvee n had my porridge as breakfast. audrey called. ask f8 to go her house to take photos for her webbie project bahh. since i nothing to do so i went. i called along lihua and xueting while others cant. nvm.

have our lunch at the duckmee coffeeshop.. yummie taste nice cos long time nvr consumed le. den headed off to audrey hse. photo timee! hmmm her course like so fun? photography is one of the module! wow. shiok nehh! saw her ibookg4 labtop. i oso wan! it looks so cool..


hmmm. haais i only can say n cant buy. unless i've got the money! hmmm wish me strike toto on my bday once i turn 18? haaa. slack at her hse for awhile n me and xt went off to McDonalds to study for IOchemm. studied for arnd 2hrs lidat, i mus go home liao. to chiong my RWP!!! siaann. n now i'm actually blogging while doing halfway. opps! haaa.

omgg. tmr there will be GM meeting again. 5pm sac116. but jianyang wont be der. cos he got gems test. n he will leave me alone to talk abt everything! ohh shit mann. what am i suppose to say. kinda tensed up mann! helpme. although zhining will be der, i tink she will also ask me say it myself bahh!



Saturday, March 19, 2005


today is a saturday. so what? i still went to sch! to complete my ideas prototype. i seriously tinking ideas sucked! we'll be using cupboards to do our artificial door. n that real door that isaac buy can say ish of no use le. but we still paint it brown cos it look so ugly wif it's original color. as usual isaac always went off so earlie. seeing calida n that guy in clubhse i oso dun wan be so brite der.

so i went to the bball court to see the inter-con club bball competition as zhining was doing the score board thingyy. hmmm CLS was performing well. congratss!jiayou! was kinda mesmerize by how peikun play bball? omgg so cool. haa! onlie admire his bball skills niaa. haaa. saw banny.socutee der oso. haaa everytime i see him i sure call him so.cutee(Q). the match ended arnd 3plus so me n zn went home togetherr. on the way saw so.cutee n satiysh, acc so.cutee to take down his banner as it was their aD&D backdrop. today is their aD&D. denn we 4 took da train togetherr. alot of pple stay north de siaa. 3 of them went to the centre platform to take the middle train n left me alone.. sob! lolz

reach home arnd 4pm. after my shower was feeling kinda tired so i doze off at living room. heee! woke up 7pm n went to eat out wif my parentss. n back here i'm blogging!

haais. feeling sick! got sorethroat n cough n flu too. omg! aiyah mus be my bloody mouth lar. cos i told dem that i long time nvr sick le den nex day kena.. penggs! me n my mouth.. opps! =x


Friday, March 18, 2005


went to school early today. to do our IDEAS business proposal. or shld i say ish chiong proposal cos we onlie started today morningg! me n isaac was like at library from 9am - 3pm. cha bu duo 6hrs lidatt. cos calida went for her jap at 1pm n cleon went for gems. N that jim sick. dorts lehh! went for IOCHEM lesson after that and was late too.

was disscussing GM thingy in club for quite a long timee. arghh i was so luan. it was ever changing. when can we come to a decision? haais. i also dunno what to do. zhuo ren zhen nan! sometimes even realise same pple not same fate. hmm dun wish to talk abt the appreciation dineer thingy that make me dulann! i realie dun understand y! haais

having serious short term memory nowadays too. if i do something till halfway please dun tok to me abt other things n guess what? i'll forgot to continue finish that halfway thingyy! haais. n i'll worrie. i'm so fan. say i stress also nort so stress. jus that is it a mus for us to get stress in order to get things done?! arhh i dunno lar.


Thursday, March 17, 2005


on the 18th march 1987, borns sista calida..

happie birthdae to youu
happie birthdayy to you
happie birthday to CALIDA
happie birthday to ya!!!


finally 18th le? haaa. aniway hope u will enjoy da surprises today!!!

somewords for CALIDA.
thanks for being my buddy for nearly 1 year le. although i knew that we're nort on that good terms during the starting of yr1, like what you said 'at first. it was exciting to know that i'm in the same class as you' but we managed to become best of frens and also best of frens wif our sista isaac. realie happie to know you guys. n you guys brighten up my lifee. we shared secrets, gossipss and alots more together! enjoyed company by u 2 and enjoyed being crapy, lamee and playingg with you n isaac! especially that we're in same class AND r committed to CLS club too! i tinkk w/o you 2, i wont be as committed to CLS club as compared to now. in simplee realie realie glad and contented to know both of you. may you find your prince on dis special day!


CLS clubb ROCKks!!
25th committee ruless~



hmm was kinda aching all over due to ytd de match. mayb realie long since i exercise plus sumore i din do stretching before playing.. opps! it's my fault huh.

needa rushh for reports. rwp n ideas currenly imPORTant! dunno who the hell added dis 2modules to DCPee. arrghh it's been a headachee to me siaa! helpp~ tmr supposingly class start at 3pm but still needa go sch as earli as 9am to do IDEAs! i hate it. it eat up my sleeping timee. zzz! haais. having sorethroat too. mayb ate too much heaty things le. but today i even went to buy KFC to eat. opps! like adding oil to fire~ dieees.

jus completed my CPPB report discussion q3. sorrie ky that i do so littlee. haais but i reaile reaie dunno how to do. haais kinda guilty lar. but oso dunno what to do! realie thanks alot for helping to do the others. cos if nort, sure cant complete! realie thanks a millionn. =)


dis GM(game master) ish soona givingg me headacheess!!! streess ahh. tink of name oso stress. streesser ahh! haais. jus wanna tell you guys. pls make an effort to come down for meetingg. inoe tests n quizes arnd the corner. but promise me that afta exams. all of you will come?! hmmm. aniway kinda tired le. sleeping timee


Wednesday, March 16, 2005


OMG.omg.omgg!!! exams are coming soon. starting 5th april with CPPB. i'm gonna be dead meat. hmm jus wish for pass n proceed to yr2 i happie le. realieee! haaa. orh yah today had my CPPB quiz2. hmmm hey it's was alright. dun tinkk i'll faill bahhhhh. i dunno lehh! but i realie studied, realie understand. haven been blogging dis few days. kinda tired after school. n once i was abt to study, wanna doze off liao! omgg! that's worstt.

today finnally end the inter-con clubs captain competition le. CLS got 2nd. dunno why if got ym, we'll get 2nd? as what she said lar.. lolz! but dis time round we realie done a good job! CLSclub ROCKs!!!



heyy. sorrie if i miss out any namess huh! or wrong name was written cos i kinda bad memory. yahh of cos nort forgeting ME! hmmm although i'm kinda nort that PRO but got contribute lar.. oppps! wahhhah. orhh yah. just wanna comments abt those losers. 1st game kena trash by us den now so bad loserr. jus cant stand dem lar! come tink of it, pekk chek! hmmm dun tok abt that le.

nothing's been interesting in my life nowadays. jus hanging arnd with frens in school. n rushing projects n reports n tinking of games for F.O. n getting pple to cooperatee!! haais. it's been boringg! ohh. nearly forgot, AARON stop stepping my slippers lar. u r sick in the mind mann! lolz wahahhha.


Monday, March 14, 2005


heyy! guesss whatt? i'mm inschool noww! to blog dis entryy~ haaa. veli bad. blogging now during excel lessoonn. opps sorrry tcher din mean it! haaa.

well ytd dinner at kin thai restaurant at tanjong pagar der can say it was quite fufillingg. it's a buffet type of dinner lor. i still expectt pple to serve me siaa. haaa. afta thatt. we (calida me isaac n nasir) took a cab to paradiz centre coss thy all wanna play pool marhh. me n calida went dem to join in da fun onlie. den we went to play arcade(3colors;bishibashi) with weixin. buy one get one game free. n i dunno siaa. so whenever we game over, i scan the money! end up we're foreever playingg siaa! sorri. it's my mistake i dunno haaa. btw play that one can play till crazy one! everytime when i tot i'm gonna win, isaac won! argghh. wanna kill himm siaa. i even go n strangle him! haaa. he took over cos weixin went to play pool lor.

hmmm betta dun stop here. lecturer wanna start lessonn liaoo! hey all. GM meetingg 5pm at t135 hor! haaa. see ya =)


Sunday, March 13, 2005


hmmm. needa get prepared n meet dem 5.15pm at tanjong pagarr station laterr. today ish da CLS dinnerr outing at a thai restaurant. onlie those committed to CLS-club are invitedd. haaa! so i'm one of it lor. opps =x supposingly before that we're gonna watch boogey mann de. due to laziness n alot cant make it n sumore $8.50 damn expensive. so it's canceled! haaa. nvm lar. let 'both of you' happie happie go out for longer lar hor?! wahhhahhz

welll. yesterday work at pizza hut was alright. i'm da FOOD server yeah! luckily nort servicee. if nort sure messie cos i long timee nvr work le lor! but serving of food was cockk up too. due to keying of wrong table no. larh hor?! haaaa. n making all of us so pekchek n dulan? haaa. luckily der's huisi helping me to serve if nort sure FOOD JAM! hee. overall everything is still alright!

Hey dis are da nicee songs to intro.


hmmm. in simple! all simple plan songs rockks! cuz i got da 'still nort getting any' CDee! haaa. thanks matt ahh for giving me that CD as xmas present newyr angbao n bdae present! zzz -_-



Saturday, March 12, 2005


omgg! ytd de microbio quiz i'm gone! it's so much more diff den the first 2 quiz. why mus be lidat? nan-de i got read den comee out so difficult de! argghh~ hope i can pass lar. den happie le! mus be easily contented! haaa.

kk. ytd before going to schoool for iochem lessonn n mBio tesst, went imm! to do our IDEAS survey! omgg. i hateee doing all dis thinggy siaa. make me so zzz lolz! ate some finger food n a bun der. omg the bread coffee bun ish so damn nicee. u all mus go try. it's beside OLDCHANGKEE, thy onli sell one type of bread. n that's it! BUt it's damn oily lar.. normallly oily food r nicee food?! haaa.

got campsong singing sessionn afta the quiz test. hmmm sang for arnd 1hr lidat it ended. but thy started earli cuz i got test so i went latee. so disappointing. the amount of pple that went haais. arnd 20 lidat lor.. monday got GameMaster meeting. wonder how mani will comee.. ytd also have the IEcamp n can see onli 20+ pple wentt. sorry ahh isaac we din support you. paisehh!

hmmm went jp wif xueting afta that to meet huisi. tok tok tok. tok till 12am den i reach home lor. haa! today still needa wrk at pizza hut. 5-10pm. haais i must be doing servicee again bahh. tong ren bu tong ming! haaa. jkk~ kk see ya guys laterr!


Wednesday, March 09, 2005


hmmm. was 5min late for 8am class today. phew managed to reach der before taking attendance if nort i'll be late for rwp lessons once againn. haa! listen to tcher tok about formal how to wear how to present thingy till 10am lor. opps i skipped CPPB lecture cuuz wanna study my Gems and complete my formal report for mBio lor.

wentt library, book discussion rm wif calida n isaac. we sistas PON! haaa. but dis time rnd ish isaac physco de! eeek see i so good he ask us dun go, den dun go. still rmb previous timee i ask dem dun go, thy still go! zzz. acc dem to FC1 have lunch n went lib wif ws ky matt n ben arh. study study n tok lor. hmm just wanna say, even if you know that i complain that what u get is useless i oso cant do anithingg. yahh it's da tot that count i noe. BUT that money can worth betta thinggs. haais dun wish to tok abt thattt. so sorrie if i hurtt ya! sorry.

well. went for gems test. hmmm dunno ish good or bad cuz i jus agar agar finish it lor. hope i can get a pass, i'm happie gal liao! heee. went off to yr1 F.O. camp meetingg at LT5B wif CLS jieying and aaronn. let me tell ya who r de GLs. daniel nasir zhihao yiwei aaron and jieying calida syaza weixin cindyy. hey congrats mann! n guess what's my post?

assistant gamemaster headd! satiysh is also assistant and jianyang ish da HEAD lor.

ohh goshh! needa brain-stormm for games liaoo! n got lotsa pple under us. reaile hope thy cooperate wif us bahh! let's us work hard to make the F.O. camp a success wif our FUN games! haaa. aniway that's all for today bahh! omgg. mBio test AGAIN on friday! needa jiayou lor.. =)


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


hmmm. finally have a lessonn at 10am today! cuz gems lessonn was canceled! but darren still went haaa. tink he nvr listen what tcher say worr. btw the previous timee i oso din listen n gong gong went for lesson n found out no lesson. what the *ttoot!

was having emaths test2 today. was tinking that mayb i can get a high mark but haais no hope already. cuuz some of the qns is so damnn difficult! argghh. hopefully i can even get a pass.. haais

thanks lilian for helping us develope one of the aD&D photo. so good of her. but I DUN LOOK GOOD in it! i look fat. my stomach machiam so bigg lidat! aiyah in simple overall. i look realie damn fat! eeek i see le i oso siann. sumore she develope for everyone of the pple inside the photo! ohh goshh! so mani pple is gonna see how fat i am n sumore i'm in da center of the foto. penggs! hatee myself for nort standing straight that partly caused it! But in factual fact. i'm nort slim. n iwan to slim down! realie dis time round i MARK my words.


haais. having gems quiz2 tmr. din realie go n look at the gems notes beforee. argghh everything ish so packed up nowadayss. Exams cuming starting frm 5aprill. i'm so afraidd! haaiss


Sunday, March 06, 2005


hmmm. went sentosaa today wif CLS pple. isaac calida cedric jieying aaron benjamin quek n liew n ray orhh yahh n that cutie little boi johnson. he realie look like a small brother to us siaa. haa

woke up latee today! n reach harbor front mrt station latee too. went to find dem at shopping centree. hmmm. upon reaching sentosaa, saw mani hunks siaa! woww. opps haaa. aniway took the yellow line bus to palawan beachh.

the weather today was nahh. nort good siaa. alternating between sun n rain. luckily arnd 2plus the sun started to blast! lolz. din managed to get my face tanned which is part of my main purposee. i still tot that today we wont get tann cuz it's like raining lar. lolzz

me n jiemei men(sista isaac n calida) went for shower first cuz we having class outing - habing dinner at swensens. was quite punctual for the dinner. hey i ate fish n chips n we ordered a few side orders lorr n icecrms! haaa. kinda buay song wif the waiter attitudee! SUCK! attitude got problem. haaa. hmmm after dinner went shopping. window shpping i shld say. n took a cab home with sistass! hmmm i did got tann quite painful at my shoulders der. it's burnt! haaa.

orh yah. isaac n yanti birthday ish tmr!

happie happie 18th birthday! heee =)


Saturday, March 05, 2005


hmmm. went to school latee ytd. cuuz cant wake up! opps~

was late for CPPB pract. but that particular experiment was fast. very fast finish liao. went FC1 wib ws ky and xy. ate fish soup! hmmm quite nicee. haaa. after awhile isaac come join us for eatingg. n thy 3 went lib, while mee n isaac went clubhse to do IDEAS as well as waiting for calida n other grp members to comme.

Till arnd 3pm. went back for IOchemistry lessonn. hmm realie starting to studee dis few days. cuuz i'm realie afraid that cant catch upp! heee. after lessonns, me zhining n calida went Jpee to look for present for our sista isaac lor cos his bday coming on monday! met cheeren at Jpee oso. haaa. ate dinner at mosburger ytd and shop shop shop end up din buy anithing cos it's like we realie duno what to buy. den came wif a idea to buy slippper/flipflops. great idea but it's nort nice to give slipper as present. hmmm! so still tinkingg. sat down to chat at McCafee. drank my ice lattee! hmm frappe mocha ish betta! haaa.went home afta that.

suffer from serious backache ytd nitee. unable to sleep well. backache mayb due to that my AUNTIE visit mee. haais siann! now oso got a little backachee. siann diao!

today will be a studdee n doing report day fer me bahh. still got my microBio pract - formal report to do! siann ahhh.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005


hmmm. reached home earli today. took a cab home from clementi as it's raining after buying my mochi icecrm, cheezels and vitasol! haaa. machiam picnic lidat. reach home, ate my chessels while watch dvd - sharktale. heyy i watch before le. no wonder i doze off during the show. opps! luckily i rmb to press timer off. if nort waste electricity. woke up, ate fried carrot cake that mom bought n went for shower. seated down to study my CPPB cuz i'm realie scared le. haais. got 26/50 for my IOCHEM.. sobb! that one i reali got study, end up lidat.. siann diao!

omgg! again realise i've got funnie bruises - blueblack appearing. nort sure whether i accidentally hit onto soemthing den gott it. haais realie scare. scare that i've got problem! illness~ keep tinking lor.. haais! oh god, please bless me healthy! wish me healthy life!!! n it's realie time i go for a body checkup! OMGg!!!
