Sunday, March 27, 2005

heyheyhey! today went out wiff calida nasir n zhining. went shopping till my leg becomee sour! =x haa. met nasir n calida halfway in train. so qiao huh! after meeting zn we headded to MARCHE to eat haoliao! pamper ourselves once in a month? haa. each person arnd 14bucks lor.

den we headed off to buy CALIDA present. sorry for dragging so longg. cos we're realie busy mann. ahahh finally find one day for shopping n tat's today of coss! haaa. went shopping at heeren. din buy anithing cos all nort suit leh. sumore the havianas flips nort here yet! zzz

went off to paragon!!! for what? to buy my crumpler stickerr! green in color sumore.. shall post up here. if able to do so but sure retarded in postingg lar.. lolz walk walk arnd paragon search for DA BAG that calida wanted but nahh. dun hab! but i saw a ROXY cap damn chio at the boardriderss cost 26.90bucks.. the ROXY word ish in green color n da cap ish black color.. omgg fell in love with that cap le. WAIT FOR ME TO BUY YOU!!!


off we go to FAREAST. finally got her zinc sling bag at LEVELONE. so ky ade bernard xy n ws, your bday present for her is the bag le. haaa! slack arnd at YA-KUN.. heyhey ate eggs bread n teh ice! nicee. but expensive larrr... den came ah-heng. n i become extra super extra liao.. 2 coupple n me.. zzz! but nvm heng thy din pang sehh me! haaa.

calida oso bought formal clothes(top n bottom) also at fareast der.. i bought a 19bucks skirt at dis fashion. was tinking why i buy at der? cos thats da cheapest plus it look mai hiam buay pai. betta den the one i bot urgently for AGM de. wahhha! hmmm headed back to HEEREN again to buy her calida's pencil case frm 37degree. hmm. she bought alot of things siaa. it's a shopping spree for her i tinkk! haaa. orhh yah forgot to mention i bought a greendiamond earingg at fareast 77st. ahahh green color againn.. haaa EMERALD!!! lolz. i'm back to da days wearing earinggs. heee =)
