Wednesday, March 09, 2005

hmmm. was 5min late for 8am class today. phew managed to reach der before taking attendance if nort i'll be late for rwp lessons once againn. haa! listen to tcher tok about formal how to wear how to present thingy till 10am lor. opps i skipped CPPB lecture cuuz wanna study my Gems and complete my formal report for mBio lor.

wentt library, book discussion rm wif calida n isaac. we sistas PON! haaa. but dis time rnd ish isaac physco de! eeek see i so good he ask us dun go, den dun go. still rmb previous timee i ask dem dun go, thy still go! zzz. acc dem to FC1 have lunch n went lib wif ws ky matt n ben arh. study study n tok lor. hmm just wanna say, even if you know that i complain that what u get is useless i oso cant do anithingg. yahh it's da tot that count i noe. BUT that money can worth betta thinggs. haais dun wish to tok abt thattt. so sorrie if i hurtt ya! sorry.

well. went for gems test. hmmm dunno ish good or bad cuz i jus agar agar finish it lor. hope i can get a pass, i'm happie gal liao! heee. went off to yr1 F.O. camp meetingg at LT5B wif CLS jieying and aaronn. let me tell ya who r de GLs. daniel nasir zhihao yiwei aaron and jieying calida syaza weixin cindyy. hey congrats mann! n guess what's my post?

assistant gamemaster headd! satiysh is also assistant and jianyang ish da HEAD lor.

ohh goshh! needa brain-stormm for games liaoo! n got lotsa pple under us. reaile hope thy cooperate wif us bahh! let's us work hard to make the F.O. camp a success wif our FUN games! haaa. aniway that's all for today bahh! omgg. mBio test AGAIN on friday! needa jiayou lor.. =)
