Friday, August 31, 2007

"Hi Sir, are you a Nikon user?
We're now having a newly launched NikonClub thing going on;
We will send updates & news to your email address, ... " and so on..

GOSH! i'd been saying this upteem times from yesterday today..
and going to continue for tmr and sunday. hahah!
Nvrmind it's not that bad afterall. but standing sucks cos my knee jus recovered.

I know i shouldnt but the bus is taking too long to come.
So i rewarded myself with a Starbucks Caramel Frap. FYI: THAT'S MY FAV!

Working is tiring. But as long as you enjoy it. It's very fine!
Hope i can get that Nikon local mkting coordinator job.
Thanks Dion for telling me! GOOD GOOD! =)

*Do check this website out if you're a NIKON user.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New new addiction:
"Modern Minds And Pastimes" (2007)



She calls me baby, then she won't call me
Says she adores me, and then ignores me
Jenny, what's the problem.

She keeps her distance, and sits on fences
Puts up resistance, and builds defenses
Jenny, what's the problem?
You leave me hanging on the line
Every time you change your mind

First You say you won't, then you say you will
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on
We're standing still, Jenny
You got me on my knees.
Jenny, it's killing me.

She needs her own space, She's playing mind games.
Ends up at my place, saying that she's changed
Jenny, what's the problem?
I'm trying to read between the lines
You got me going out of my mind

First you say you won't, then you say you will
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
We're standing still, Jenny
You got me on my knees
Jenny, it's killing me
It's killing me
It's killing me

(Chorus Repeat)**
***Helping Out NIKON at Comex IT Fair.

VENUE: Suntec City Convention Level3
DAYS: Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday

See You There... (:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

No more worries.
Just finally decided..

To reject the job offer..

If it's really a job that i wanted, I shouldnt be hesitating for so long?
worrying for the unneccesary too?! gosh!

Wish me good luck in finding others bah! =D

i think im aint a person who can help to sell a pdt (sales)
but if i dint try, i wld nvr know whether if im able to do it.
cos i dont have a mkting/sales bground,
this is a very good rare and golden opportunity for me
if i want to work in marketing line in future. really.

i was offered a job in a food company to deal with sales line.
selling of food ingredients to other companies.
by looking at the job scope; it seems tough huhh!

there are many many factors that is drawing me back frm accepting.
and there are also many factors that made me feel like giving it a shot.
so im currently having a swirl mind. confused. messed up.



*where's my events job? hais. mentioning about that mades me sad.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Out with Sherlyn & Huisi today.
Today was budget day; or rather a "think b4 you buy" day.
No more buying on impulse for me rather. cos im broked.

Was at Orchard (my favourite hang out place.) shopping..
Well seriously think we should nvr go orchard on a sunday ever.
There were like so many PHILIPHINO maids chilling out there?!
Because that big grass patch thy used to hang out b4 was having construction,
So they were now like scattered everywhere; mainly LUCKY PLAZA! eerr.
Gosh hate it. I dont feel like im in Singapore for that very moment!!!

loves topshop! always have my favourite things but damn ex. LOL!

##Pictures Gallery.

*topshop craze.

*with buddy sherlyn;

*that's my name!

Okay that's free advertisment for this shop JASMINE Fine Arts,
because that's my name lar. hohoho! =P
it's located at PARAGON 5th Level.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

It's saturday again. how fast. very fast!

Made a trip to IMM DBS to settle my polytechnic loan stuffs.
There goes the money. Im utterly broke! arrrrg.
Some fcuk up stuffs happened; well it's too confused to be understand.
Hope everything goes well and i do not need to make a trip down again.

Next on,
1week of working at Nikon was totally good for me.
managed to get stuffs done well, correctly and easily.
next week is my last week already. how fast again!
though the money i earn within this 2 weeks isnt that much
(it's really NOT MUCH! little in fact.)
but i enjoyed, especially i made new friends too..

for example you, desiree! YOU YOU YOU!!!
(if you're reading my blog!) hahahs.

#Picture of my little cosy desk.

Anyone craving for that taiwan, Shilin Meesua?
or wells, NEVER try it at suntec. it sucks.
1. staled shredded chicken.
2. mee sua? no it's mee fen! =X
3. osyster sucks too.

Was so disappointed ytd. Eeeeek!

Current Addiction: The Great Escape By Boys Like Girls =D

Monday, August 20, 2007

temporary job at NIKON-asia.
it's was not bad; at least not those typical DATA-ENTRY job. LOL!
it requires some thinking at times.
if only it was a FULL TIME JOB. i dun mind eh?!

my knee was even painful than ytd. (not sharp pain)
must be after i went to toilet this afternoon cos i went to the squad one!
damn. i shld have wait for another.
hopes tmr will feel better =)

mom's accompany-ing me for doctor this saturday for a check.
yea.. call me mummy girl cos i dont like gg alone. HAHA!
hopefully it's just overworked and injured my knee.

to myself: get well soon. to feel pain/sick = SUCKS!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Whoa.. Im working tmr!!!
First time for a Admin Job in a Office.
Im quite looking forward to it and at the same times hope it turns out well too.

On the other hand, Im still so hardworking looking for a FULL TIME job.
But this time round, due to some reasons.. I need a job desperately!
So for those jobs that are not bad, I just whack and sent my resume.. LOL

Though still hope those I really wanted get back to me asap! =D

*Raining day.. GOood for sleeping. =D

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Met up with Douglas Yongwei and Angeline for dinner at Jack's Place (Marina).
Well.. the position of Jack's Place, is just nice for the FIREWORKS. Coool!
But we still need to walk nearer to catch a better view. LOL!
And quite a huge sum of pple outside the restaurant viewing it too.

Not forgetting to mention, I indulged in my fav Double Chocolate today again..
It was and always so so so heavenly. Everyone must try!!!
Like what people usually says, it's so nice till you had forgotten your own name?
Well though i know it means that it's rrlly rrlly nice. but i still dont see the link?! LOL!


More Donuts please!!! HAHA =D

Pictures time! Pictures time!

Lotus Mocha & Double Choc!

Strawberry White Choc & Rasberry Dark Choc!

N.Z. Ribeye steak. DROOLS!

me angeline with joker YW behind.

Fireworks #1

Fireworks #2

Crowd outside citylink adidas!

"traffic jam" outside Godiva that escalator.

Damn. Singapore indeed have lotsa of people. it's population is increasing!!!
Chilled at Starbucks Raffles City with angeline awhile..
1. To wait for the crowd to be dispersed. 2. Not to squeese in train..
To my surprise i found a seat on my way back home from Cityhall. *claps*

oh yah! douglas was complaining about..
why must we girls always take pictures of whatever things?

what to do? we're girls. plus i need pictures to blog! HAHA =D
17 08 2007 Friday.

as mentioned went IP to settle my tempo working stuffs.
Made a trip to school to find shuting and then to orchard to look for knee guards.
settled down at Cathay Coke Red Lounge at CINELEISURE to chat rest and slack.

Here it goes:

5th level cineleisure.

Read the words. CINECAFE.

The cheap cheap seafood combo with drink: $6.50

The big screen which shows all the movie trailers.

Took a train home after that.
End up din get my knee guard cos it's too expensive. NIKE brand? LOL!
Alrights.. Good night everyone. =D

Friday, August 17, 2007

AUGUST is not a month for me.
well.. my luck isnt good this month. was bad..
many many many problems for me. *sighs~

hopes september would be a better month.
most importantly i want my knee to cure! =)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hasnt been well this few days. *SIGHS!
Both my knee feels dull pain at times; esp climbing stairs.
Not to mention, standing up from a squad definitely hurts.

Maybe I hurt my knee from the past gym exercise.
Maybe too much cardio exercises during gym.

Maybe I'd overworked my knees.
Maybe.. maybe.. maybe that is why!

But I couldnt help but feeel worry cos it concerns about legs.
Hope it recovers in the next two days.
Meanwhile I'd been drinking milk ensure sufficient calcium intake
and making sure I did not overload my knees with "weights"..

I do not want to see a doctor for this reason. HAIS!

Next, got the tempo job as mentioned in previous entry.
2weeks admin job at FUJI XEROX - NIKON company.
Starting from next week till the end of AUG.
wish everything turns well there too. =)

*Making a trip down to Tanjong Pagar - International Plaza to settle. hehe!
Been browsing through tempo jobs this 2 days online at JobStreet.

Realise there's quite alot of jobs for students who are on holidays
and yet the job scope isnt that bad, mostly admininstrative work.
so i was wondering why din i find jobs on this website during my poly holis?!

do visit this website for more details

Hopefully that 2weeks job that i applied for get back to me.
Hopefully can start work next week! =D
It's at Fuji Xerox..

Enjoy MV by Jay - Secret.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Many people mentioned that "SECRET" directed by JAY CHOU was a nice movie.

Initially I do have doubts about that show,
whether would it be just another typical love movie?!!
Yesh. I do not deny that Jay's talented in areas of music, song writing, etc;

Well, Normally I do not catch Chinese Movies in CINEMAS,

"SECRET" is definitely a movie that you must catch this AUGUST!
It's nice. touching. and the storyline is darn good.
Imagine a twist in the storyline when you din expect it?!

Not forgetting Jay can play the piano superbly WELL! impressed totally!!!


*Go catch it in Cathay Cineplex cos the sound system is GREAT too!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Caught "Secret" with Shuting after gym.
Watching movies on a Weekday + with UOB debit card discount is cheap!
Imagine S$6.15 for a movie as compared to a S$9.00 on a weekend?! LOL.

Ate Sinful McDonald's Fries with Salsa Cheese Dip before gg for movies.
All my HARD-WORKING OUT at GYM had gone to waste! HAHA.

Going for swimming tmr.
Leading Healthy Lifestyle!!! LOL!
Not forgetting not to exert too much energy on my knees.
Cos it's getting weaker. hais. hope wld be fine! =)

Monday, August 13, 2007

@Pasir Ris Costa Sand Resort. (11.08.2007)


Photo Gallery.

Combined CLS Photo.

With the Bday Boi & Cake.

Left: Normal Recruit ; Right: Commando Recruit

Last photo of this entry;

Clockwise from top: Me, Shuting, Xueting, Syaza and Calida.

That's about it! Good Night Everyone. =)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


any partime roadshow jobs to intro?
(decent jobs pls; no scamming or what de.. LOL)
it would be best to get the money on the spot.. HAHA!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

current favourite colour;
Disturbia yest at The Cathay..

overall was not bad. quite thrilling just a bit TOO draggy.
that main actor in TRANSFORMER acted in this movie too. =)


Went out with poly peeps yest.
Dinner was at Wheelock's Fish&Co.
Spent most of our time chatting chating & chatting.

Chill out at Indochine@ClarkQuay.
Played a few handgames and cabbed home after that. =D

*Going for Brother's Bear 21st Bday later. cya friends!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

meet up with shuting and went orchard today.
purpose of this meet up is to buy presents for someone's big day!
*you know who you are; if you're viewing my blog. =D

had my lunch at SUBWAY agains at FAR EAST.
just dont know why im so addicted to it;
perhaps cos it's healthy so doesnt matter lar. HAHA!

bought some expensive stuffs. hope it's worth the investment.

reached home at about 6.45pm just in time to watch..
it's always the highlight mann! wahahha loves that.
wells so sad that mediacorp din close up on the commando's repeling.
but nvm friend, at least i know you're there doing a part for the country. LOL!

Okays meeting up with douglas for movie, then meiyi and yw for dinner tmr; TGIF. =)

Before i end this entry..
some pictures that me and ting took today.
(had a bad face day, though pics din show..) HAIS!



#picture3: IN SHADES.
i look like some blind people huhh? CHOI touchwood. HAHA!


The Web Banners are contributed by Singapore Polytechnic

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

IF you're feeling hungry now..
i seriously advise you to exit the page now!

My all time favourites;
Subwaymelt Sandwich or Salad!

*hopes im not making you droool.. WAHAHAH!

Went gyming today with sinni and ailing.
Been a week plus since i last stepped in.
Seriously think i cant run or do leg exercise too much,
cos my knee would hurts. (dunno what's gg on.. )

Subway for dinner as usual. =D


Monday, August 06, 2007

Was packing my desk just now..
And rrllise i loves to keep and buy alot of unneccessary unwanted items?!

Next i seriously thinks those small small keychains are useless.
especially to me cos i dont bring keys out!!! HAHA.
*though i know sometimes it's souvenirs by pple.

Only did a little packing and clearing stuffs cos my table is real messy.
saw those thick thick dust flying around. SICKS! eeerks~

and thinking..

Well justt threw a whole lot of junk rubbish down the chute.
thinking back, whether did i threw things that i shld not?
GOSH! better dont let me find out cos it's gone forever. =/

Okay. Lastly im a jobless girl slacking at home; looking for jobs
and waiting for their replies. wish me lucks! =D

Sunday, August 05, 2007

having a long break might be a good thing for me too.
to recuperate and to get ample sleep.

came across this job on yest
i think it's super fine good lar. hopes thy get back to me asap.

SPGG Event Executive

what should i do for the rest of next week? *ponders.

National Day's Coming. 9 August
So let's have some feeel of this year NDP song.
"Will You?"

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Addicted to my blog song by jay; XD

The Idiot Proof freaking easy dessert I'd made.
(Wells.. Im just tooo bored anyway! XD )

Was rotting away at home; cos dont feel like going out to spend spend spend.

Just quitted my job yest and yet to find another. So i must try to control. LOL!

Suddenly felt like doing some ALMOND JELLY stuffs.
So went NTUC to get the ingredients. damn my NTUC sucks. so limted.
End up i bought some instant almond jelly powder;


Add poweder to 330ml of water.
Stir and bring to boil.
Here you goes; ALMOND JELLY!

zZzz. omgg it's freaking easy lar! goshh.

signs off: