Friday, January 19, 2007

sickening fringe that is killing me
manageable at times.
and in-manageable during LOTS of times!

haha. felt like cutting to short hair.
though i knw i might not suit it.
hmms mayb i'm gonna try it once i grad!
well hair grows aniway.. LOL!

or rather it's time for me to rebond i tink! OPPS!

Okays talk about that infuture..
well went to school for some revision lessons.
initially tonight was going for night cycling?
but canceled due to some reasons?
haha well i'm unable to make it aniway.
nevertheless, it's nvr too late to organise another one!

having my first exam paper on 31st jan.
nxt nxt wednesday..
yet to start revision of anything..
i need to have the mood. so pls grant me the MOOD! =/