Sunday, January 21, 2007


idling at home for the past 2 days.
should do some soul-searching and reflect back..
reflect what had been done during my 3 years in poly.

my results aint good
and i knw that i'm not stupid
jus that i'm simply just to lazy.
should rrllly go study hard for this last sem already
though i know that my results will once again be SO-SO.

okay jus had a haircut ytd.
not really very short even though i wanted to.
so my hair now isnt anything fascinating. LOL
jus wanna trim it and cut away those bleached spoilt parts!

guess today will be another boring and idling day fer me.
when will i recieve my pay.
i hate working in F&B though i'm a food tech student.
F&B sucks. management sucks.
i wanna quit!

looking forward to a staable income and full time job! =P