Saturday, January 06, 2007

haohao PAPA 21st bday chalet.

Went to school yesterday to work. Ended at 5pm and i slacked at club till 7pm while waiting for isaac to finish his boat theory test cos then we can go junhao's bday tgt cos he's driving marh. hmmm. rrch hao that at 8pm lidat and ate our dinner. slack arnd in the room where all those craps came about.

locking someone in a cupboard and forcing them to confess of whatever stuffs cos it's rrlly HOT in there.. so lame rite.. those NS men and their ideas. ahha! den me isaac and shuting was rrlly LOL and rolling on the floor to laugh lo. wahah!

Anyway i'm sick. suffering from headahce and my body feel so nua.. so tired.. hais! guess i'm getting a fever soon. but CHOY lar..

Pictures time!

Only the 3 of us went.. frm our batch! hahah =/

my jiemei! haha rmb to report to work ah!

munching on ORANGE skins la.. hahha

coincidentally me and st wore the same!
telepathy nehs.. LOL!