Wednesday, January 17, 2007

my plan to school was to hand up my datasheet.
but nvr would i knw that mrs tay found it!
but nvm jus go to school as usual cos i promised ting le.
wahahah.. hehes!

went FC4 to have our kayabuns and eggs for my brunch.
slack arnd talk talk in club hse before heading to orchard.

me and ting bought ahlup NUM braziliano praia as promised with the discount card provided by NUM IC lawrence. haha LOL! thanks aniway. we shall make full use of it! haha. well ahlup signed up and interviewed to be part of their staff also. wheets. hope he gets the job! haha.

went cineleisure xinwang cafe to have our dinner and chatted awhile at there before heading home tgt with ahlup. sorry ting, always when we 3 tgt.. you've to go home alone.. SORRY!

here it goes: our sumptous dinner at xinwang.

my hair is forever wet and takes so long to dry! i cant slp.. aniway thurs having FOM quiz. haven started! help helpp!!! =P