Sunday, January 14, 2007

heaven likes to make fun of people at times.

what you want, you cant get..
what you dun rrlly yearn for.. is available..
but sometimes i wanna say,
all these are jus fated.
if it's yours, no matter how long it takes..
it will still be yours.. cos it's fated to be yours!

somehow i jus belief in fate..
jus like how i belief that,
if you are not fated to die so young,
you wont, no matter how dangerous it is..
but if you are fated to die early,
no matter how hard you try to get away,
you will still die..

mayb this might be somehow pessimistic..
but this is how truly i feel.

So if you like something, go for it..
go buy the things you like..
go do the things you wanted to..
dun live to regret..

But if you dont like,
do not force yourself to try to like..
you will feel nothing but troubled,
and worried for the unneccessary..

Okay so in conclusion

gettin a little bit emo here..
but jus wanna sort thoughts..

jus like what hao dad said:
"no matter wat jus wanna sae watever choice needa make or not to make, believe in yourself. smile and enjoy. dun live to regret anything. dun be affected by wat pple sae. dun be afraid to make ur own stand. :)"

he's rrlly my DAD! =P