Wednesday, January 24, 2007


met up with shuting for some retail therapy
before the real exams arrives next week.
shall refrain myself from going out until after exams.

roamed arnd orchard's ZARA to search for ting's top.
her beloved top that she set eyes on since that time at VIVO.
finally managed to find it at TAKA-ZARA! so rhymes?
a top with buttons and hood! very cute~

picture of a mannequin wearin the top?
click on it to have a closer look;

felt like getting something today.
seems that nothing that attracts my eyes! LOL
shall get something on the next shoppin spree!

both of us;
went to meet up with the rest at LAKESIDE stn.
they were xt ts tqz and junhao papa.
spelt that last name out cos he treated us for dinner!
at his fren's newly open 'ZHI CHA'.
nice yummy food and so so family lar!

had a arcade time at jurong point.
basketball timecrisis2 and mario race
compete with junhao and i lost. sobs`

daddimario of the day! so noob la!

took a cab home after that with xt & jh
and here i am feeling darn slpy!
gonna shut off anitime seriously;
well promised myself to study TMR.
hope i shall keep that promise! =P

me n ting
with my recent trim brows.
not so bad afterall rights? though i still look weird!
okay soon we gotta get used to it la! hahah

me laopa shuting~