Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

Some New Resolutions:
- To Graduate with flying colours
- To Find a stable high income job that i like
- To Meet up with buddies often though graduated
- To Be continued..

yaa. to be Continued once i think of more.. OppS!

31st Dec 2006

Went to work at birdpark with weijian.. many customers but still manageable! hahah rushed home to get myself refreshed before meeting shuting ahlup and tqz for movie at The Cathay - Night in the Museum. It's rrlly a funny movie as many had already mentioned.. yeap worth watching! Lucky we booked the tics online so we din have to go buy the tics early. hahah that's the benefit! LOL.

Had our dinner at Swensens at Plaza Singapura before the Show.. Managed to catch glimpse of the fireworks at PS though it's far after the 9.40pm show. hahah yeah as nice as usual.. Walked to Somerset and went back after that by taking the MRT. Had our supper at s11 at Taman Jurong and took a cab home at 3am to slp. yeah once again shuting in da hse! shuting in my hse. LOL!

That's about it.

These are the photos taken:

Wont be working at Birdpark Dimbulah Cafe for this week due to some last min changes. Shall reaally settle down to start my reports. (=