Monday, January 15, 2007

counting down 16days
to my 1st exam on 31st january..

how time flies.
graduating soon!
getting into workforce soon!

okays went to sch for lessons as usual. had CSW roleplay.. not too bad. got 70+ marks as what the lecturer hinted? hahahs. went cityhall - raffles city with classmates to get presents for ms toh, siok hwee and huixian.. LOL! shant disclose what have we bought. well it's the token and thoughts that counts right?! geeeks.

initially tmr there will be no lessons. but mrs tay lost my report and end up i needa re-print and pass it to her tmr. poor me needa travel to sch agains. sians! okay needa to write 'thankyou' cards that we'd bought today. ciaos~ see all pple to be seen tmr in school. wahaha!

before i end: