Wednesday, October 11, 2006

window shoppingg.

went shopping with meiyi and jieying today after my sensory evaluation. orh yahs, to talk about that, it's finally a success with 21 vs 7! hahas. so glad that there wont be a 4th round. LOLS! phews. and hope u guys enjoyed the chicken herbal soup today. thanks guys!

3 of us went bugis. i did window shopping cos nothing suits me. plus i do not have that much money to aim for expensive items and so so so, i bought nothing in the end. LOLS! but both of them each bought a bag. though i wanted to buy one, but none suits me aniway. well, we shopped bugis junction, bugis street and bugispoint (icon). hahas! cool~

din manage to go vivo city due to time constraint. nvm shall go next time. oh sorry sherlyn that i cant make it to go out with you and xueting cos u shld have msg me somehow a little little earlier! lols but nvm there are still lotsa chances! gees!

i wanna buy lotsa things yet dunno what. =/
i have lotsa worries and yet dunno what too. =/
HAIS! fyp stress~