Saturday, October 07, 2006

here i am blogging for today.

let me first announce the PSI level hitting 150; omgg and it's rrlly misty ermm hazy i meant ,out there. could hardly see anything.

meet up with huaxiong siewling and her fren (mingyi) today. was heading towards orchard scotts isetan to claim out pay. yeah! finally got the money but yet i needed it to pay for some things; school notes blah blah.. morale low. nvrtheless, i still spent some today. OPPS! =/ meet up with shuting awhile cos i needa pass her the $5 NUM voucher cos she wanna get her haviannas slipper. and she rrlly bought that green bag she eyed for ytd. LOLS! cool~

headed towards cineleisure xinwang cafe for our dinner. had a sudden cravings that's y! hahas. hmm, jus shopped arnd for items that i like but it's far too expensive frm my budget so i din buy them aniway. hx went off to his club event, and the 3 of us walked towards PS. bought 2 cute lame things at action city and took neoprints there too. been so long since i last took one. hahas! went home with siewling after that.

pictures of da cute lame toys:

left: tortie purse.
right: tortie hp accessories.

the purse.

french manicure.

finally got another item from my wishlist done. had wanted a french manicure since dunno how many years ago. nice right.. hahas! hope it will be quite lasting and hope i wont scratch it or somehow. it's $15 okays! hahas.

that's about it. hey guys takecares of ya health. those smokers, please try to cut down. the weather is rrlly bad nowadays and it will be hectic plus the smoke. drink lotsa water and stay indoors as possible?! (=