Sunday, October 01, 2006

the first week of school is simply too busy.
let me jus briefly summarise my week, since i last blogged was tuesday so i shall start on tuesday.. hahhas! here it goes:

was unable to carry out my sensory evaluation due to the kitchen being booked by some big shots? so i went to meet munshee after that. as we were going NTU for energy mini school concert. first time been to NTU too. hmm, it's been so long since i went to see energy. hahhas! but the ffeeling is no longer there. cos i was not high and i felt i'm too old for all dese?! hahas. OPPS =/ okays that day was munshee's bday. we went to eat Fish&Co after the conert at JP.

finally able to carry out my evaluation. results was good. able to find pple. LOLS! all thanks to onn ling form Bstage from finding passerby students?! LOLS. and cecilia & jieying for helping me when i need help. hahhas! shuting weijian benjamin qinzhen for helping me to wash my bowls. LOLS! lastly my fyp partner adeline! hahhas, aniway they are all from food tech.. thanks all!

as mentioned that i'm going isetan for one day work. it was super tiring and i was like practically standing for 15hours?! so tired. slack arnd with siewling at sometimes. nevertheless, enjoyed the work as i rather be a salesgal then a waitress. my rules. hahhas! LOLS. hmmm among all of siewling frens there, i'm just like a DAJIE cos i'm the oldest. hahahs! but it's okay.. hahas as usual went home wif siewling after that, lights off at 1.30am and the next day i'm having a 8am lesson. omgg!

friday saturday sunday
three days camp in school. but we were going there as seniors. zo bo mission. deprive of sleep so i went home on saturday morning to sleep and also to get tqz present, so i went back to school arnd late afternoon. okays. night walk was fun. been so long since i last walked a proper nightwalk cos i'm always a patrol team wif brudderbear. but he was so tired, end up i got luppy peikun to walk with me. great! kind of scary at times. luckily peikun is mann enough. LOLS! okays that's da only highlight which i tink. orkays.. that's abt it.

a few photos to share taken by shuting's hp during da camp:

me and xueting holding a "song" fan..
feel like singing.. QIAN LI ZHI WAI!
wo song ni li kao qian li zhi wai ~ ~ ~

before: (with flash)

top: peikun bottom: shuting
left: me right: xueting
(doing all these purely out of boredom)

after: (with no flash)

nice leh~ mine's grreen!!!

tmr is back to school agains at 8am!!!