Saturday, October 21, 2006


hmmms, my legs werent mine! today.. especially! hahhas! went for UNION MONTH - NITE CYCLING ytd night till today morning. been so long since i last went to an event being a participant. LOLS! =/ old old old~

we cycled from SP(dover) to East Coast park. co0l~ with a total strength of arnd 60 bikes i think. hahhas! but for participants, there are only 5gals including me. LOLS! so diao. considered siewling the only yr2 and me only the yr3 among the 5gals. hahas!

it was duper tiring i can say. and good for training thigh muscles! hahas. eermmm, took a longer route to ECP and it took 4hours (+ resting + waiting + injuries time) for us to reach there. had our late supper cum early brkfast at McDonald's.. all of us were so looking forward to it during the journey! LOLS. we are duper hungry too. Took a different route back which takes up 2+ hours cos there's less waiting time and the traffic were good. we needa pass by ngee ann polytechnic that route in order to get back to SP. that route is simply killing all of us. with alot of steepy UPSLOPES! but me still managed to tahan and all along din get off bike to PUSH! hahas!

Phews! Lucky there was nothing wrong with my bike. LOLS! yah to mentioned, we needa wear helmet. it's so.. so.. so.. DORTS larrr! hahhas. some pictures taken with my hp.

me and elaine

the gang. *bike riderrs;

okays, that's about it.
as usual i still miss cycling. i love events! hahas! (=