Tuesday, October 03, 2006

life is so vulnerable;
and unpredictable at times.

anythings can happen anytime anyminute anyseconds.. it's just whether did you rrllise it anots. okays that's so crappy. aniways,

to everyone out there in this world; cherish what you're having now. it's always after that than you knows how to regret, so why don't we just CHERISH it?! as you never know what will happen tmr. even if you're sad or unhappy, lives still goes on.. so why dont we just slowly buries the sadness and live happily + also living life to da fullest every each day? nahh, that sounds so profound. jus to summarise it, be an optimist!!


school was as usual for me. school starts from 11am-1pm. happy tuesday! had a mini shopping with meiyi at jurong east NTUC. hahas. got my fyp items and we proceeded to buy our practical additional stuffs that we requires. headed home after that. it's sleeping time agains. the more i sleep, the more sleepy i'm.

i need the job i want.
why cant i get it.