Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Been rushing my FYP rpt for the past few days. sitting infront of the laptop, type type type.. think soon this gonna becomes a routine cos my cousin lent me a laptop so i can do work in my room instead of heading to my sis room hahhas.. LOLS!

Went to school early today to do some fyp stuffs with adeline. imagine if i din do fyp in da morning, i might not have gone to that 1hr Mrs Tay's lesson. LOLS! could have slack at home then. hmms, friday is Ms. Leong's quiz. quite difficult and quite alot of stuffs to study. but i'm lazy to start cos since when i've been studying for quizes?! oppps jks LOLS.

Meet up with shuting and meet her friend, to get my chain necklace that her fren had made. LOLS it cost $12.. quite cheap rite, imagine it costs about $20 if you get it at shops. wheet! i love the keys, the everything.. jus that it's abit too small.. LOLS!

this picture is not taken to scale.

orh yaa, me tammie and shuting went SPGG to watch the bowling competition held by SPSU. weijian oth and yr1 ben was competing then. but they sucks cos thy din play well. it was when we all decided to play then thy played well. but no point since thy already out. hahas! well, been so long since i last played bowling.. luckily din waste the money =/ the skills is still there but not so good of cos! LOLS!

okay that's about it.
needa mug for jasmine leong quiz already.. HELP!