Thursday, October 05, 2006

crap crap crap.
it was now then i rrllise i din put the date for my sensory evaluation. aniway it's tmr friday 6oct. shuting weijian and me, we all are each having our own fyp's sensory. so it's kinda worth it. make a trip to T234 and u get to taste 3 foods. yummie. hahas!

jasmine: chicken & fish soups
shuting: grilled fishes
weijian: curry

*free advertising. =/

just finished cleaning and cutting off the skins of the chickens that i bought this evening. it's rrlly tiring doing all that for arnd 5times a week? zZz. well, sometimes i do rrllise buying groceries can train your muscles too!!! and that's real. lols.

aniway today was a long day for me 8am-5pm with only an hour break. as usual sleepy lectures and naggy lecturers. OPPS! well, tasted shuting's steam fishes today cos i was having my practical there too. yummie. i love the steamed-seabass or shld i say i love the sauce? cos it's salty enuff?! i have a high threshold of saltiness okay. (BUT rest assure, u guys wont get to sing 'that song' and make phone calls for me. cos i drink lotsa water after that.) hahas. nice food aniway. it's good to be a food tech student. i love it!

getting my $80+ pay on saturday.
money come come.
yeahhh!!! (=