Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I've got a new blogskin!

din rrlly spent lotsa of time meddling with it cos, i din rrlly like it afterall. if the blogging space could be bigger and that will be perfect. cos i'm a perfectionist and i want everything to be orderly and nice. actually there are many other nice skins out in that webbie but still the same; the entry space is too small.. hmm, pardon me for being demanding.. why cant you all make the space larger so that when there are pictures posted, it wont get out of space?! hmmm~

omgg, seriously what am i doing now? finding blogskins instead of doing my fyp report? needs some soul searching! gees. okays that's abt it. lols!

chicken herbal soup
with no chicken
fish bee hoon soup
with no fishes

hahhas that's so crap. but it's real. here it goes:
venue: T234
time: 1.30 - 3.00pm

all are welcome..
please come and taste my product!
see ya on that day. hahhas (=