Thursday, February 22, 2007


Visit with CLS people to Mr. Ho house.
We played black jack and i won $30 initially.
But lost it all during the game 'in between'! Shittes.

Shopping with shuting andre aaron and tatsiong at orchard.
Settled down at coffeebean for some chatting session plus all of us were simply tired yet don't know why. haha! Had our dinner at Subway. as usual subway melt sandwich for me. love it to the core!

Next, went isaac's there for mahjong with andre.
Luckily his friend, ken, came to join us. if not we must play 3pple mahjong. LOL! Learnt alot. Make mistakes. Lost seven dollars. still not so bad for a 'don't really know how to play' person like me! LOL. thanks for tolerating my slow-ness. OPPS! =/ But afterall since ytd, i realise mahjong can be fun too~ hahah!

Deciding: Don't know shall stay at home or go out with friend. hmmms~