Monday, February 26, 2007

NAVY republic of singapore

Just started to plan and panick for my future yesterday. was intending to work for a year and get into SMU for a business degree. my heart was no longer at food technology or sciences anymore.kinda sick of all that already. needed a new environement and be a all rounder?

getting into SMU and get loaning from bank meaning once i graduated, i needa slog for another 3-4 years to repay back, depending on the amount i will be returning every month. that's like ALOT of years? but no choice. a degree is definitely needed for higher pay. no choice but to risk it. but i do have a year for me to think since i would be working for a year first.

Next, today recieved a NAVY letter. asking us to sign on to join as Naval Combat System Specialist (NCSS), it's not that i'm not interested; i wouldnt mind signing on for 5 years and i get back a lump sum of $15,000 (Diploma Induction Scheme) and for a female i could get a stable and rewarding job right away with salary from $1,906? and w/o any other basic military training which is so taxing?! looks cool~ shall go find out more.

okay hesitating, deciding, ponding.
so troublesome ah!