Tuesday, February 06, 2007


just had a horrible foodproB paper. HORRIBLE + TERRIBLE!
literally crapped for the whole of Section B. cos i din knw how to do!
Crapping rrlly needs lots of brain cells thought the ans might not be correct.

hopefully i can pass larh for this module.
Not gonna ask for more.. just a pass..
hais i'm so so so paranoid over the paper lar.

Admit that din put in 100% effort to memo. regreted BUT
Cos i'm suffering from stomachache till legs n hands turn wobbly!
Seriously the mood wasnt there for me to MUG hard.. hais
so so so afraid that i will fail. opps but CHOY!
really needed some blessing! (=

3down; 1more to go: food legislation.
another crappy module before exams end!
no more stunts for us please. thanks (=