Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ask me what I'd been doing for the past few days.

Literally idling away my youth my teenage years; i'm soon turning 20 and very fast 21yrs old. Time really passed fast. Tsk. Not been doing of much satisfying and fufilling matters for the past few days after CNY. Except for going for job interview. Did i mention? i've got the job at King Alcohol located at Jalan Boon Lay, earning $1,500 per month. not considered much not considered less either. just a SO SO pay for a diploma cert. =)))

The work shall commence on 2nd April and that had really marks the start of my working life. Very looking forward to earning the money, yet i dread the feeling of waking up early in the morning to report for work. hais! But what to do. Life indeed goes on. & all these are just parts and parcels of life that everyone ought to go through. Nvrtheless, i must really express my gratitude to Ms. Jasmine Leong for the job offer. Thanks!

Back to what have i done! Shopping shoppping and spending money is what i am doing for the past few days la. Wasting my time right?! Many things i ought to do yet i'm lazy. Firstly, get my pants altered (been draggin for years), next is to iron my many clothes and also to exercise jogging to keep fit and kill my boredom. Ok! Shall complete these three tasks before going for munshee's hall bash at The ButterFactory! Geees~

Lucks to those looking for job and to those getting into universities. and for those idling the way as me, it's time for you to get up on your feet and do something fufilling to make your life worth and living life to the fulllest! Ciaos. (hope i complete my tasks!)