Sunday, February 11, 2007

been having spring cleaning and packing my table non stop for the pass few days. yet to buy enough for my new year clothes. i need more money! LOL

been missing my dear friend sherlyn so so so so muchies. she's working and i'm studying for the past few mths and that explains why i miss her so much! hahah. but i've graduated. n we shall n must meet before i'm starting my job soon.. hopefully i can get the job i'm going for interview next wednesday. wish me good luck. i know that's fast but what to do.. i wanna earn money and buy more things to pamper myself. whooops! =/

I MISS EU! hahah.

(picture taken last year..)

Helping out in school's JAE tmr at 8.30am. i know that's early but my mindset was there was not much people whom wanna enrol so early in the morning?! hope so. cos i wanna a slack job huhh. LOL! okays meeting shuting after that for retail therapy again. now it's her turn to shop!

..shall continue the packing