Friday, February 16, 2007

if it doesnt cost as much.
if i do have a stable income.
i wouldnt mind joining the gym at the rate he offered.

the facilities were great. especially the toilet! hahah.
though i din stay there for long cos calida wasnt in the mood to gym, but that couple of hours were sufficient enough to convince me into joining if i'd the money! LOL. well don't ask me about the price, cos it differs and i'd rrlly forgotten; and it's not within my budget. nevertheless, nice knowing and chatting with rizal bob and imbrahim.. though yours cigarettes smell was pungent to me. hahah =P

had Subway for breakfast with isaac to pass him his popular card and vouchers. lunch cum dinner was at fareast Burger King with calida. 2 meals of fastfood today! needed more exercises duhh! gives me another excuse to join gym? hahah LOL.

tmr's booking coach's tickets and hotel rooms for genting trip at grassland. S$66.00 per person which includes coach to & fro + hotel is hell cheap lar! Well.. i'm going genting with my classmates ( 5 of us ) in early march before i really start work. Tmr's reunion dinner too at carlton hotel with my cousins. i am so lookin' forward to LAO YU SHENG!

happy advanced CNY to everyone! (=