Monday, October 29, 2007

organised by HomeTeamNS

It's finally over.
No more staying back after work till 11pm anymore.
Not forever but at least for now. LOL!

This year was a nice experience holding it at the new sg airshow venue.
Changi Exhibition Centre which is air conditioned.
Not only the participants love it, but me myself being the organiser loves it too!
When people are complimenting about NB REAL Run 2007,
Frankly, I felt proud and honoured that im actually part of the organising committee.
But it was hard work. and especially when everyday you only spend sleeping time at home.
We even went there a day before and spent our night there w/o sleeping!!!

Well done HomeTeamNS Events Committee..
and also everyone who made NB REAL Run 2007 a successs.
Not all events runs smoothly, hope everyone understands that some errors are inevitable.
And we tried our very best to minimise any errors la! haha.

Here are some pictures taken by TANG using Nikon DSLR D50.

#The flag off where the 10KM participants started zooming off.

#President flagging off for 15KM participants.
(i know it's not obvious but look at the background; im inside! HAHA )

HomeTeamNS presents $500K cheque to President S.R. Nathan

To be continued with more pictures!