Monday, October 15, 2007

Medicine aint functioning.
It doesnt seeeems to be helping.
Im not getting any better.

Pplease let me get better by 27th October 2007!



Sunday 14th October 2007
Reached my workplace at 0400hr..
Waiting for boss to send me and raymond to Changi Exhibition Centre.
First thing in the morning, i drop my slippper into the drain.
That's $40 havianna's flops for god sake!
For once i felt worried, worried that it had dropped into deeeep.
Thanks boss for digging it out for me! LOL!

Training run started at 0745hr.
Press start on that big big yellow clock. COOL.
The sun is like freaking hot and scorching.
Grew more pimples after reaching home at 1400hr
Sleeeep all the way to 1900hr and woke up for dinner.
Sleeeept at 2100hr all the way till this morning before heading for work!

Happpeninng life; yet to blog about it is quite boring =/ HAHA!