Friday, October 26, 2007

New Balance REAL Run 2007!
Going for a "2day1night camp" from tmr 0830hr.
will be "ton-ing" at Changi Exhibition Centre from tmr onwards.
To do all the "sai-kang" for NB REAL Run 2007! Oppps. hahah jk.
Hopefully everything turns well on Sunday as i've got a very impt task! =/

By the ways,
I did mentioned that I will be blogging a picture of my desk like weeks ago?
I finally managed to rmb to take a picture of my desk yesterday.
It's kind of messy though. But there's worst times where i cant even find space to write!

Jasmine @ Work! =))))

The usual "Zhi Char" we used to eat for lunch/dinner at GuilinRestaurant.

Life now is seriously all about work & colleagues.
hasnt been meeting my die hard budddies. imiss all of you!!!
must meet up after this sunday! im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. =P