Friday, October 12, 2007

IM BACK after a long weekdays of work.
outta 5 weekdays, i spent 4 days OT-ing after work.
doing all the preparation work for REAL Run & this sunday's Training Run.
gotta meet up 0400hrs this sunday with Events Team.

Went HomeTeamAcademy (HTA) today with Hanwei & Yeow Seng for a meeting.
Really din expect to see Weijian and Douglas there cos i thought HTA was big.
hmmm. HTA sounds familiar.. Ho Thiam Aik?! hahah. jus kidding.
was rrlly surprise and great to see them there. (:

Today was Eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Sorry if i spelt it wrongly)
everyone was allowed to leave after 3pm.
the youngsters of HomeTeamNS went for a LaserQuest Game.
It's damn fun though sweat like hell running around with a gun. HAHA!

wait. did i say everyone was allowed to leave?
nahhs. the Events Team stayed back till 10pm, to do some touch up stuffs!
in fact everyday was staying up till 11pm before we were allowed to go home.

Time For Bed Everyone! (:

*sorry for having a wordy wordy entry everytime cos i'd no time to take pictures!