Wednesday, June 27, 2007

im very very pissed off.
the anger in me was like.. indescribable..

i got so heated up when mentioning about that!


that's none other than, MONEY..
know of a chinese sayings: "JIANG QIAN SHANG GAN QING"
i seriously think it's true.. very true..
even applies to family. ARRRG.

just don't know why cant thy put themselves in my shoes.
the money i earned and looking forward to every month was like so little lar!
yes i do not mind giving them some money to spend..
but does thy know that im supposed to like.. save 500/mth for my poly feees?!
and to give them a few hundreds, im like.. EAT GRASS SUAN LE!

furthermore. i hate pple asking me for money.
i said i'd extra cash i would give. and i gladly dont mind giving.
stop askin me for $$$ and give me so many reasons why.


just had an heated arguement with mom.
sorry i didnt meant to argue. SORRY
but cos you din put urself in my shoe! nobody understands lar. hais..