Thursday, December 21, 2006

Well.. i'd been rotting at home since morning..
hoggin on to the net yet doing nothing..
a wasted day i should say..

Btw i do have lotsa reports yet to be done BUT i'm so so so lazy to start it.. let me see what are the reports yet to be done:

2 Nutrition Group Reports
2 FDAL Group Reports
3 Food Process B Group Reports

1 Nutrition Formal Report
1 FDAL Formal Report

ALOT ALOT rites.. gone.. save me! needa complete all these after the 3 weeks of holis!! starting to panic le. last semester already, cant afford to have any errors. zZz.

Well before i end,
got a few photos to post that i'd taken during my FYP presentation that day.. don't know whether i'd posted them b4 but i guessed some i din. hahas so enjoy ciaos~

adeline & jasmine
(before going for presentation)

2 FYP groups by Ms. Toh
(clockwise: me, meiyi, adeline, jieying & baoling)

Meiyi & Me (with my fringe suck days =/ )

Tall gals. hahah =P

My own protrait in formal wear.. hahah