Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Considered as slacked at home whole day = NUA!

hahah. went out 2times today to buy somethings and to buy dinner. stayed at home to do households; what else but wash bowls. lame sias..

okay tmr will be a hectic working day for me.

Event: Isetan Private Sales for Cardholders
Venue: Isetan Scotts (LIDO)
Time: 8am - 11pm

real long 15hours! of non other den standing.. shall sleep early today. LOL! okays come visit me if you're free and able to enter? ahha lOL jks. =P

ciaos. nites

below are some photos taken respectively as labelled:

Derrick's 21st Bday Party

CLS Acad Yr 0405 - 3 batchs (Xmas Party at Zy hse)