Thursday, December 21, 2006

181206 - MONDAY


The money and time spent buying and preparing is just for the day on 18dec, for that few hours.. LOL! for me, met up with shuting at bedok and went for manicure. proceed to her house to beautify ourselves. hahas thanks sherry (shuting sis) for the help out in the makeup session. geeks! shuting and me took a cab and rrch there at 6.30pm, tons of pple were already seen there taking photos. nevertheless we joined them and took lotsa photos too. LOL

The programmes during the dinner were as usual, those typical games that were being played upteem times yet it's still interesting. din rrlly ate much during the dinner cos i drank too much orange juice. OPPS! aniway the food wasnt worth the money that we paid to go there. after the whole dinner ended, photo whoring session outside the ballroom and a few of us went kbox after that till 6am. took a train back to bedok with shuting, showered and changed back to slack clothes and went for our BAK CHOA MEE brkfast. it's yummies!! took a train and slept all the way back. tired huhh! =/

these are the pictures taken during the dinner and dance held few days ago.. okay my face is so oily that it can reflect light. yes i knw.. LOL..

here it goes:

(me) jasmine & xueting

darren & jasmine (me)

retro meiyi & me

me & weijiann

huiyu & me (my toilet khaki once again!)

me & zhining..

dark chocolate & me..
(CSM dis name originated by HIM! diaos LOL)

my FOcamp 0405 nightwalk partner!

4 of us. sorry isaac half of ur head only. =/

i'm the queen! with qili weijian n duncan

jianwei me yongwei douglas meiyi jieying (my class)

sista isaac and sista jasmine

lakesiders.. ahlup & csm

Cute cute peilin & me (geeks)

brother bear & ME!

isaac jasmine shuting
(i forced my eye to be big.. yeah opps =/)

hmmms. if you'd rrllise some of the pictures were uploaded using photobucket cos i'd tried using blogger so so so many times and it failed. pissed off then~

that's about it for the ad&d 0607
my last dinner & dance in polytechnic..

miss all of you all out there..
shall chill out during the ECP outing (=