Monday, December 25, 2006

A trip to uncle's lim CONDO!

hmmm, can see that zy aka uncle lim is rrlly humble. he dont rrlly flaunt his wealth though he is a rich men kid! LOL. hahah gua mu xiang kan nehhs though he still acts as ahpek as usual. okays dun wanna elaborate so much about him.. if not he get rob one day.. den my problem already! LOL.

as mentioned i met shuting at IMM to buy presents and also to have our Oyster Mee Sua at shilin! yummy think we're rrlly addicted, addicted to the 'vinegar gao gao mee sua' wahhas! bought our presents and proceed to Lot 1 - CCK by bus 188 cos it was raining cats & dogs. LOL! Craving for a squid at OCK so i went to buy and coincidentally met satyish ziyang yongsheng grevin letian & nicholas der..

took letian's car there wherby we 7 pple squeesed in a car having shuting on legs, grev on yongsheng legs. cool neh~ ahah! chatted slacked makenoise playbowling eating giftxchange at zy's hse. i've got zy's present, which is of no use to me cos it's a men's perfume.. so i decided to give it to my dad. LOL! hahah. had fun there too.

To shuting: "think we both rrlly like to kick on something and NRLY fall. dun tink so much about your hp le. it wont happen next time! geeks (= "

letian sent us home. shuting came to my hse to stay for the night but we din sleep till 6am in the morning. cos both of us went to meet peikun for supper at my hse here and 3 of us went for a stroll to chinese garden and back to lakeside cos we're too full! LOL. went his hse swimming pool to talk talk talk and went back home by cab. both of us slept all the way to 12am in the morning and went for brunch before ting took mrt back home to bedok! hahah..

okays that's about it for the xmas eve!
below are some photos taken using ting's hp.
more to be uploaded once i rcved pics taken frm digi camera!

i love the paper prata. sweet sweet though oily!
ate too much sin food. shall cut down on oily food!!!