Friday, August 31, 2007

"Hi Sir, are you a Nikon user?
We're now having a newly launched NikonClub thing going on;
We will send updates & news to your email address, ... " and so on..

GOSH! i'd been saying this upteem times from yesterday today..
and going to continue for tmr and sunday. hahah!
Nvrmind it's not that bad afterall. but standing sucks cos my knee jus recovered.

I know i shouldnt but the bus is taking too long to come.
So i rewarded myself with a Starbucks Caramel Frap. FYI: THAT'S MY FAV!

Working is tiring. But as long as you enjoy it. It's very fine!
Hope i can get that Nikon local mkting coordinator job.
Thanks Dion for telling me! GOOD GOOD! =)

*Do check this website out if you're a NIKON user.