Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hasnt been well this few days. *SIGHS!
Both my knee feels dull pain at times; esp climbing stairs.
Not to mention, standing up from a squad definitely hurts.

Maybe I hurt my knee from the past gym exercise.
Maybe too much cardio exercises during gym.

Maybe I'd overworked my knees.
Maybe.. maybe.. maybe that is why!

But I couldnt help but feeel worry cos it concerns about legs.
Hope it recovers in the next two days.
Meanwhile I'd been drinking milk ensure sufficient calcium intake
and making sure I did not overload my knees with "weights"..

I do not want to see a doctor for this reason. HAIS!

Next, got the tempo job as mentioned in previous entry.
2weeks admin job at FUJI XEROX - NIKON company.
Starting from next week till the end of AUG.
wish everything turns well there too. =)

*Making a trip down to Tanjong Pagar - International Plaza to settle. hehe!