Monday, August 06, 2007

Was packing my desk just now..
And rrllise i loves to keep and buy alot of unneccessary unwanted items?!

Next i seriously thinks those small small keychains are useless.
especially to me cos i dont bring keys out!!! HAHA.
*though i know sometimes it's souvenirs by pple.

Only did a little packing and clearing stuffs cos my table is real messy.
saw those thick thick dust flying around. SICKS! eeerks~

and thinking..

Well justt threw a whole lot of junk rubbish down the chute.
thinking back, whether did i threw things that i shld not?
GOSH! better dont let me find out cos it's gone forever. =/

Okay. Lastly im a jobless girl slacking at home; looking for jobs
and waiting for their replies. wish me lucks! =D