Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Class. 04rawks!

Late Night Shopping.

last night. it wasnt that fascinating abt late night shopping lar.
ytd was the start of GSS. and damn loads of pple roaming the streets.
was with shuting nicholas and derrick at topshop/topman for like an hr plus.
the guys bought a few items whereas me and shuting got ourselves just a top.
TOPSHOP was like arrrrrg. MESSY and HEADAHCE. i hate sales at TOPSHOP.

Headed Tiong Bahru for Late night supper at Happy Valley Cafe?!!
well not too bad. but initially i thot we were like gg tong shui lar?! haha.
Derrick sent me home after that. thanks! =)

Meeting up with xueting later =))))