Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Boredom; my w810i.

Sometimes i really cant tolerate my work.
Imagine you cant appear to be doing nthg when there's nthg to do?!
hat's so atrocious lar! but there is really nthg to do!!! arrrg.
emotionally and mentally stress.

you cant do your own things. or whatever.
no desk no computer for me. it killls!

tomorrow's GRADUATION!
looking forward but im kinda stage fright lar!
though it's that 30-60s up there.
but im afraid clumsy me would stumble! LOL. chois.

having an interview at 2pm.
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN at 6.30pm!!! =))))

p/s: rmb to look at the cameraman upon rcving the scroll!!! IMPT.