Wednesday, November 22, 2006


FYP's overr...

skipped mrs tay lesson today jus to complete printing my FYP report in library. handed up my FYP 2sets of report and logbook at 12.30pm. sense of achievement. think i'm gonna print one set for myself huhh.. LOLS!

meet up with shuting oth yenwei and isaac. headed to queensway to get something. today was CLS sports league captain's ball match. we managed to get into the finals. so either we get 1st or 2nd lor. yeah! play for the sake of vouchers. whheet! aniway super tired and slpy lar during the game cos nvr been slpin well for past few days due to chionging of FYP report. and went to clementi to have our dinner. went home after that.

hate going clementi le. cos in order to take bus 99. it's so far larr. stupid bus interchange!

okays. next to come will be more and more rpts. yet i've lost contact with what to do already. and quizes. and most importantly the FYP presentation on 6december06.

yeap that's about it today.

duper tired.

nites! (=