Saturday, November 18, 2006

finished with my discussion.

finally.. after cracking my brains to think how should i go about to crapp it. went to school today morning and gave ms toh to check it. realised that i'm so naggy and repeative, meaning i kept beat about in the bush? hahah. my motive is to have lengthy discussion larr ms toh~ hahahas

aniway there's still acknowledgement abstract recommendations conclusion appendix and some theory yet to be completed. hais. it rrllly seems alot. and it's 2marks deducted out of overall marks for every 1 day late. omgg that's rrlly alot larr..

went for work training ytd.

overall it was okay. not too bad. jus need some more practice? and blur me can eventually forgot that next saturday 25nov, i'm attending Aljinomoto's seminar and i agreed to go for training on that day? hais. my memory is failing. better get it settled if not get nag by ms toh. oppps =/

okays back to fyp! (=