no more quizes for this week.
literally crapped the 2 papers that had jus been over. aniway it's little %tage only. it's rather okay rights?! hahaha.
Well, got to rrlly pia and chiong fyp report this weekend. FYP submission date will be next wednesday 22 nov 5pm. once handed in, i guessed we're gonna go celebrate it manns! hahah. I've just today handed up the money for annual dinner & dance, $580 that's a lum sum of money to me.. imagine i'd just run away with that? hahah. jks..
going for working training dis friday. hope everything will be fine and working there will be smooth. think as the day comes, i will be paranoid and worried liao. i simply have dis sickness larr! hahah.
okay guys, let us jus jiayous! (=